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Successful Contribution by UCSC

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23 apr. 2024

We are pleased to report on the successful contributions made by Dr. Valerio Cozza from our partner UCSC, at two significant events in Estoril, Portugal: 

  • At the European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ECTES), held in Estoril on April 29, 2024, Dr. Cozza exhibited the ESCORT project through an insightful poster presentation. 

  •  The following day, April 30, 2024, he continued to showcase our innovative work with a presentation at the 5th Workshop of the NIGHTINGALE Project. 

These presentations provided a peak anticipation into our end-user requirement gathering and proposed innovative approaches to advancing medical research and collaboration. We want to thank Dr. Cozza for his exemplary representation of our consortium and show our gratitude to all other contributors for their efforts and dedication. These events have significantly enhanced our collaborative efforts and visibility within the global medical community. 

For further details on the presentation and the events, please visit the following links:


About the Nightingale Project:

Presentation Details: 

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